Sunday 13 May 2012

Final Renders

Lego characters

 Poz- Alien lego brick, who teaches kids bad habbits about eating and replaces healthy food with junk     food.
    Billy- 9 year old boy who stops Poz from teaching kids bad habbit's about eating and shows kids how to be healthy and cool.

Lunchbox with lights

Lunchbox finished

     Front view.
     Top view.

1st look at my lunchbox

                               Getting the shape and figure of my lunchbox (Still in development)

                                Top view.

3 Photoshop renders of ideas

                                                  Army idea
                                                   Kitchen fun time idea
                                                Lunchbox with a build in lego game(like a gameboy)

Lego man

                                          Lego Man front view
                                          Back view
                                          Top view
                                          Side view

Lego legs

    Lego Legs back view
    Lego Legs front view

Lego body

    Lego Body front view
    Lego Body side view

Lego arm

                                          Lego Arm front view
                                          Lego Arm back view

Lego head

      Lego Head front view.
    Lego Head bottom view.

Lego hand

Box Texture

Lego dimensions

Lego moodboard/fun

Lunchbox moodboard



Waterbottle moodboard


                                  Back of the house.
                                  Front of the house.

Human models
